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‘Give Them Wings So They Can Fly!’

'Let's Go Sing' Concert 2024

Let’s Go Sing’ Concert 2024….

Doves Class had an amazing time participating in the ‘Let’s Go Sing’ concert with other Primary Schools at King George’s Hall, held on Monday, 11th March from 6pm-7:10pm.


The atmosphere was electric and we were delighted that so many of the children’s family members were able to come and enjoy the singing and dancing with us!


Well done to the children who all worked so hard to familiarise themselves with all the new songs - the concert was a real reward and celebration of their huge efforts in school!


Much appreciated parental feedback :


‘Sincere thanks to Gisburn School for providing the children of Doves with the opportunity to participate in the “Let’s Go Sing’ concert at Blackburn King George’s Hall.  It was honestly brilliant!


Music, dance and theatre is such a great way to boost confidence and it creates such a positive environment.  Huge thanks to you all for providing this opportunity and special thanks to Mrs Hoskins who initiated learning of the songs and then Miss Wintle who carried this on and did a great job on the night!  We are very grateful’.

