NB. Jumpers/Cardigans/Pump Bags & Book Bags are to be purchased in our online shop www.schoolmoney.co.uk. Thank you.
Our School Uniform...
Grey trousers/grey shorts/grey pinafore/grey skirt
Blue & white gingham dress (in the summer months)
White ‘polo’ shirt
Navy sweatshirt/cardigan available from school with school logo
No jewellery and sensible hair fasteners in school colours
Wrist watches may be worn
Black sensible shoes for all children – not trainers or boots; grey or white socks
For safety reasons, jewellery is not to be worn in school (this includes ear studs) – wrist watches are allowed.
NB. A small ear stud may be worn for the first 6 weeks/or until healed after having ears pierced, as long as they are covered completely with a plaster.
Please help by teaching your child to dress and undress; to tie and untie shoelaces, and by putting your child’s name in all articles of clothing.
We have a well-equipped gymnasium. For safety reasons children must wear the appropriate clothing for P.E. That is: navy shorts, white T-shirt or vest, black pumps (the pull-on-type). Wrist watches are to be removed.
Trainers are not suitable on the large apparatus, but may be used for outside games, such as netball and rounders. A named shoe/pump bag in which to keep things is essential.
Owls, Doves and Eagles take part in outdoor P.E. during winter; therefore, they should keep an old pair of jogging pants in school. Football boots may be worn, but are not essential as trainers are acceptable. On football days a plastic bag is helpful for carrying muddy boots!
Junior children who have not achieved the National Curriculum standard have weekly swimming lessons, starting in April of each year, at Clitheroe Swimming Pool. Unless there is some medical reason for them not to do so, and a doctor’s certificate, they are expected to take part in these lessons. They need swimming trunks or a swimsuit and a towel. The children are transported to and from the swimming pool by a special bus.
Hairstyles are a part of our school uniform. As with uniform generally, hairstyles should be practical, smart and not cause distraction. Hair below shoulder length should be tied back. The use of hair dye, gels, waxes, and any other styling products is not allowed. This also helps with health & safety in PE because some of the styling products can come off onto the PE mats/equipment, causing them to have a slippery surface which is obviously dangerous for any child.