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‘Give Them Wings So They Can Fly!’


Due to day to day contact we have with children in school, we have a special responsibility to keep our children safe. All staff are trained in our safeguarding procedures and are aware of what to do if they are concerned about a child. Below is a copy of our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Lisa McCloskey (Headteacher); the Deputy Safeguarding Lead member of staff, Ms Louise Stalton  and the nominated governor, Mrs Kate Sherry (Chair of Governors) have the responsibility under the procedures established by the L.E.A. for co-ordinating action within our school and for liaison with other agencies.


Parents’ confidentiality is respected at all times.


Operation Encompass...


As part of Gisburn Primary School’s commitment to keeping children safe, we are proud to be part of Operation Encompass.


Operation Encompass is a unique Police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse.


Being part of Encompass means our school will receive a notification from Lancashire Police before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved in or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous day.  The information is given in confidence to the schools Key Adult and will enable us to provide the best possible support for the child.


The Key Adult at our school is Mrs Lisa McCloskey (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)


If you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs McCloskey via the school office.

If you would like to find out more information on this project there is a link below:

Operation Encompass Parents Awareness Letter

