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‘Give Them Wings So They Can Fly!’

PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


PE and sport play a central role in children’s learning and development at Gisburn School. 


Our children are taking part in more clubs and competitions than ever before. We have achieved the Platinum Award through Sainsbury’s School Games for our participation in school sport and we had a team qualify for the Sportshall Athletics Finals at the Lancashire School Games.  These achievements have been supported by the introduction of the PE and School Sport Premium. 


The funding, which was announced by the government in March 2013, aims to provide Primary Schools with the opportunity to improve the range and quality of provision in curriculum PE and extra-curricular sport.  


We have produced a School Sports Premium Action Plan which can be accessed below to provide information on the way in which we intend to use the funding this year and the impact which this will have.  We have also attached an information leaflet about the HRVSSP to give details about the services we have invested in as well as a lunchtime and afterschool sports club timetable to show the extra-curricular activities on offer.


You can also get more information about our PE and sporting events in our monthly newsletters, on our school PE notice board and in the Sports Events/News section on our school website.
