'Give Them Wings So They Can Fly!'
At Gisburn Primary School, we are committed to providing a broad, balanced education in a happy, safe and stimulating environment which promotes high standards; so all can develop high self esteem, a sense of responsibility and achieve their full potential within a caring village school.
Our Aims...
Everyone in our school community is cared for and valued equally. Through excellent teaching and an inspiring, challenging curriculum we seek to ensure that children become confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens. We aim for our children to be equipped with the skills and endurance to meet the challenges of education, work and life. The school aims to:-
- Provide good quality teaching of a curriculum filled with high quality learning experiences, within a learning environment which is both secure and challenging.
- Ensure that all pupils are given equality of opportunity and are supported to achieve their full potential in the acquisition of skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding.
- Encourage shared values which reflect a caring, nurturing ethos where pupils are made to feel valued.
- Provide a framework for pupils' behaviour and discipline which is understood and followed.
- Encourage pupils to acquire independence, self-control and to take responsibility for their learning and development.
- Create strong links with parents and the local community, including other schools.
- Provide opportunity for pupils to learn about and begin to understand the diversity of beliefs and cultures in modern Britain; to perceive the connection between beliefs and behaviour and to recognise and discuss situations which call for moral choices of judgement to be made.