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‘Give Them Wings So They Can Fly!’

Lunch Menus

Our School Meals...

All pupils in Reception, Yr. 1 & Yr. 2 receive Free School Meals. Dinners are served in the school hall, at a cost of £2.95 per day, i.e. £14.75 per week. The children have a system of choice of main course, and a choice of pudding which hopefully satisfies all tastes. Meals are prepared on site. Please notify school, in writing, half a term in advance, if your child wishes to change from school meals to packed lunches.


Children who bring their own packed lunches also eat in the hall. If you are eligible for free school meals you must apply to the District Office on 01254 220717 as soon as possible. They will then notify the School. On occasions when there are full day class trips - those children who have free meals are entitled to a free packed lunch.


Please make payments for school meals online at Thank you.


School Fruit & Milk

Reception Yr.1 & Yr.2 have the opportunity to have milk at lunchtimes & fruit, daily.


Packed Lunches & Snacks

We ask that packed lunches & snacks DO NOT CONTAN ANY TYPE OF NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS because of the danger to other children with allergies to these. Thank you for your co-operation.
