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Eagles Trip to Jorvik & DIG

Eagles Class Trip to JORVIK Viking Centre & DIG 

On Monday, 19th February, Eagles began their studies of Vikings, at DIG and the JORVIK Viking Centre.


During the morning, the children visited DIG, a hands-on, interactive archaeology museum, where they were given a guided tour by an Archaeologist and look at what an Archaeologist does, what kind of things they find and how these discoveries help us build a picture of life in the past. They also had the chance to dig through simulated DIG pits and an artefact handling session with real Viking age artefacts. After lunch, they took part in a Viking Battle Tactics workshop


Later, at the JORVIK Viking Centre, Eagles enjoyed several educational talks from Viking guides, as well as travelling through a reconstruction of Jorvik, complete with the sights, sounds and smells of city life.


A truly fantastic way to unearth their history topic of the Vikings!
