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‘Give Them Wings So They Can Fly!’

Christmas In School

We always have an amazing lead up to Christmas...

  • On Monday, 2nd December the whole school travelled to The Grand, Clitheroe to see the Pantomime 'Puss In Boots of Clitheroe Castle'.
  • On Wednesday, 4th December we enjoyed a fabulous Christmas lunch together, wearing our Christmas jumpers - this was followed by a fun Santa Dash!
  • FOGS held a fantastic Christmas Fair after school on Thursday, 5th December.
  • On Monday, 16th December we held a wonderful 'Coffee & Carols' event for our Grandparents to enjoy!
  • Our annual Class Christmas Hamper Raffle was drawn - congratulations to the 5 lucky winners!
  • On Tuesday, 17th December children enjoyed choosing presents for their family members in the FOGS Gift Room.
  • Excellent performances of the Nativity Sing-a-long by Robins, Kingfishers and Owls (Yr. 2) took place during the afternoon on 11th & 12th December.
  • All children had fun wearing their party clothes on the day of their Class Christmas party!
  • To end the term, parents/carers were invited to a KS2 Carol Service - thank you to Reverend Grace Gaze.